Psyllium Husk Powder

Purity: 70% to 99%
Mesh Size: 40Mesh to 100 Mesh.

Derived from the seeds of the medicinal plant Plantago Ovata, psyllium husk powder is the pulverized form of psyllium husk. The product is deemed safe and highly effective to be used both in its natural and flavored form.

Psyllium husk powder is the pulverized form of husk. Its gradient depends on its sieve size. It is cooling, laxative, antidiabetic, antichronic, soothing, etc. Psyllium Husk consists of the epidermis and the collapsed adjacent layers removed from the dried ripe seeds of Plantago Ovata Frosk. Psyllium husk powder is derived from the seed coverings of the Plantago ovata plant.

It contains a high amount of soluble fiber. Beneficial bacteria utilize soluble fiber to “fuel” the colon, helping improve the natural elimination process of the body. The health of the colon, like all body systems, is dependent on energy. Psyllium also slows absorption of foods and holds water, supporting healthy, normally formed bowel movements.

Psyllium Husk Powder is processed from the Psyllium Husk which is grinded using Pulverize Machine in various particle sizes that is 40 meshes, 60 meshes, 80 meshes, 100 meshes in all grades of purity. Psyllium Husk and its Powder is used as a mild laxative spread in the United States and other European countries. Psyllium Husk Powder has high fiber and recently it has been started getting used in low carbohydrate treatment in USA.

Also Available in Organic



Psyllium Husk Powder is processed from the Psyllium Husk which is grinded using Pulverize Machine in various particle sizes that is 40 meshes, 60 meshes, 80 meshes, 100 meshes in all grades of purity. Psyllium Husk and its Powder is used as a mild laxative spread in the United States and other European countries. Psyllium Husk Powder has high fiber and recently it has been started getting used in low carbohydrate treatment in USA.

Uses and Applications

This powder is used for curing constipation and is considered amazingly effective in promoting gastrointestinal health. It also curbs the risk of heart disease and helps control blood sugar.

At Neo Natural- the best psyllium husk powder supplier in India, we specialize in the production of a wide array of psyllium husk powders in different purity ranges and mesh sizes- from 70% to 99% and from 40 to 100 respectively.

We are an established psyllium husk powder exporter with state-of-the-art infrastructure to produce customized products to fulfill the requirements of numerous industries across the globe. Ranked amongst the most trusted psyllium husk powder supplier in India, our products are exported to more than 40 countries.

As a leading psyllium husk powder manufacturer in India, our psyllium husk powder is profoundly used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. If you are looking for a reliable organic psyllium husk powder manufacturer, you do not need to look beyond Neo Natural.


  1. Psyllium (Ispaghula) is use either in Whole Husk Or in Husk Powder form.
  2. The Commercial uses of Psyllium are many and in multiple industries like Food, Pharmaceuticals and many others.
  3. Psyllium can be used as a wonder product in health drinks, beverages, ice cream, bread, biscuits, other bakery products, rice cakes, jams, instant noodles, breakfast cereals, etc., to improve the fiber content of the food as also to increase the bulk of the food as dietary fiber.
  4. Now a days some Pharma company are supplying psyllium in capsule. It is being exported to both Foods & Pharma company in large volume. Main function of the psyllium is that being 90% is the dietary fiber its application mainly is a mild laxative with no side effects. It is a low calories products. Some of the buyer are supplying psyllium its natural Husk form.
  5. Addition of Psyllium to a beverage also improves the taste of the drink, makes it rich and imparts good texture. It also prevents the solid ingredients in a beverage from settling down.
  6. Psyllium is highly palatable and easy to feed to animal like Horse, cow, buffalo etc.
  7. Psyllium Husk Powder also use in cosmetic products.
  8. Maintaining a healthy weight is a concern for many people, especially those with a chronic condition like diabetes. Besides being good for your heart and blood sugar levels, psyllium may help you  lose weight. Because psyllium absorbs liquid in your body, it can help give you a feeling of being full. This can help you control the amount of food you eat. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of taking psyllium if they’ve suggested that you lose weight.
  9. Psyllium is able to bind to fat and bile acids, which promotes their excretion from your body.
  10. Psyllium is commonly used as a laxative. However, it can also relieve diarrhea and help reduce triglycerides, cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure levels.


  1. As a natural laxative to cure constipation and related problems.
  2. As a aid in lowering cholesterol levels in blood.
  3. To cleanse bowel from toxic substance in a purely mechanical way.
  4. To treat ulcers in stomach and bowel, piles and fissures and acidity.
  5. Prevents health disorders like chronic headache, pyorrehoea, dental decay, obesity, appendicitis, polyps etc., due to lack of dietary fiber.
  6. As supplement for slimming diet.
  7. To control blood glucose levels in Diabetes.

Psyllium is used as emollient, demulcent and laxative and in the treatment of chronic constipation, amoebic and bacillary dysentery diarrhoea due to irritative conditions of gastrointesna tract. Its action is purely mechanical and is due to large amount of mucilage contained. Psyllium has been used in traditional medicine in India like Ayurved and Unani System of medicine. According to them Psyllium is cooling, soothing and prevents acidity. It also softens substances.


Purity Psyllium Husk 85% Psyllium Husk 95% Psyllium Husk 98% Psyllium Husk 99%
Mucilloid Content NLT 85% NlT 95% NLT 98% NLT 99%
Light Extraneous Matter NLT 15% NLT 5% NLT 2% NLT 1%
Heave Extraneous Matter NMT 1.1% NMT 1.1% NMT 1.1% NMT 1.1%
Swell Volume MIN 40 ml / gm MIN 50 ml / gm MIN 55 ml / gm MIN 58 ml / gm
Insect Infestation Not more than 100 insect framgment including mites and psocides per 25 grams
Moisture Content Not more than 12 %
Total Ash Not more than 4 %
Acid Insoluble Ash Not more than 1%
Microbial Limits Absence of salnonella sp. And excherichia coli
Mesh Size Limits As per buyer’s requirements ( 30 mesh, 40 mesh, 60 mesh, 80 mesh, 100 mesh )
Sieve Analysis As per buyer’s requirements


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